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Biotech and life sciences

Biotech and life sciences is a fast growing field in which state-of-the-art equipment is used for scientific discoveries and the development of new products and services for medicine, agriculture, fine chemicals, and many other industries. Many instruments are used for scientific research, analysis and production such as densitometers, bioreactors, flow cytometers, incubators, PCR devices, microfluidics equipment, an (more)d many others.

Thermo Life Technologies Ion Torrent PGM OneTouch 2 + Torrent Server 5.2-cover
Thermo Life Technologies Ion Torrent PGM OneTouch 2 + Torrent Server 5.2

Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific / Life Technologies Model: Ion Torrent PGM (508-U001) S/N: 25080414  (more)(Year Oct/2012) Fresh Maintenance before stored in. Maintenance report is avialable on request. Description: • Delivers the fastest run times of any next-generation sequencer, enabling a single-day workflow • Supports three semiconductor chips with a range of prices and outputs for flexible and scalable projects• Generates highly accurate 200 base reads with the majority of bases at =Q30• Requires the lowest capital investment for the greatest research impact• Is supported by a global community of users and developers—the Ion Community Runtime: Construct Library - 2 hoursPrepare Template - 4 hoursRun Sequence - 1.5 hoursAnalyze Data - 0.5 hours=Total Run of 8 hours! Applications: DNA sequencing   • Small genome sequencing• Gene sequencing• Exome sequencing• Mitochondrial sequencing• HLA sequencing• SNP confirmation• Library assessment• 16S metagenomic sequencing• ChIP sequencing• Methylation analysis• De novo sequencing RNA sequencing• Gene expression by sequencing• Small-RNA sequencing• Whole-transcriptome sequencing for lowcomplexity genomes Library types• Single end reads• Paired end reads• Mate paired reads• Barcoded libraries Area of interest• Agricultural research• Cancer research• Forensic science• Stem cell research• Epigenomics• Metagenomics• Ancient DNA genomics Items delivered:- Thermo / Life Technologies Ion Torrent PGM - Torrent Server  (Torrent Suite Version 5.2.1) (P/N 4462918)- 2x Ion OneTouch 2- Accessories, Connection Cables, etc.- Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse The Unit is just maintained before stored in. The Ion Torrent PGM works just fine and is in perfect condition.Maintenance report avialable on request.

€8,250.00 ex VAT
€9,817.50 incl. VAT if applicable
dna sequencers
Tecan Microplate Power Washer PW 384 96 Well Cell-based and ELISA Mikroplatten-cover
Tecan Microplate Power Washer PW 384 96 Well Cell-based and ELISA Mikroplatten

Manufacturer: Tecan Model: Power Washer 384 S/N: 510000011 P/N: 16029900 Description: The Power Wash (more)er 384 is ideal for enzyme immunoassays and cell-based assays, in  either 96- or 384-well microplate formats. It has advanced wash-heads for simultaneous processing of all wells in either format, reducing the overall  plate processing time to just a couple of seconds and enabling maximum  throughput. Additionally, the PW384 is fitted with an aerosol shield to protect the user  from potentially infectious aerosols, and productivity is further increased by automated switching between up to three different buffers. Wash parameters such as dispense and aspiration speed, vertical aspiration  position and vacuum level can be fine-tuned to ensure the best results for your application using the simple WinWash plus package, and up to 20 different  washing programs can be stored. The Power Washer 384 is fully compatible with Tecan’s Freedom EVO® liquid  handling workstations and the Connect™ microplate stacker system. Alternatively, the washer can be operated as a stand-alone instrument and is straight forward  to program using the integrated keypad. The instrument is easy to maintain and comes with fully automated cleaning  procedures, ensuring high reliability. To further improve walkaway time and  process security, the instrument can be fitted with options including large volume  bottles and liquid level control for both buffer and waste bottles Product hightlights include: • High performance washer for 96- and 384-well microplates• 2-in-1 solution combining two applications and two• microplate formats in one compact instrument• Easy, user-exchangeable wash heads guarantee optimum• throughput in both 96- and 384-well formats• Simultaneous processing of all wells also in the 384-well format - no  time-consuming indexing of wash head required• Tunable wash parameters for best results with both cell-based and ELISA assays  for research use• Handling of up to 3 wash buffers for maximum application flexibility• Easy programming via integrated keypad or via WinWash™ plus software• Reliable operation and easy maintenance via predefined cleaning protocols• Aerosol cover around wash head for maximum user safety• Optional large volume bottle set and liquid level control for process  monitoring of wash buffer and waste bottles• Full compatibility with Freedom EVO®, TRAC™ and Connect™ system Specifications: Applications: EIA and Cell based assaysMicroplate formats: 96- and 384-wellsMode of plate processing: all wells simultaneouslyManifold channels: 96, 384Wash-liquid channels: Up to 3Wash program storage: Up to 20Dispense volume range: 50-3000 µl in 96 format10-1000 µl in 384 formatDispensing accuracy: CV = 2% over 96-well plateCV = 3% over 384-well plateResidual volume: = 2 µl across 96-well plate= 2 µl across 384-well plate Items delivered: - Tecan Powerwasher 384 (for 384- & 96-Well)- Power Cord- Instruction Manual as PDF via E-Mail The instrument is fully functional tested - Used but good cosmetic condition.

€2,500.00 ex VAT
€2,975.00 incl. VAT if applicable
microplate washers, automated liquid handling
Meridian Bioscience illumipro-10 Incubator Reader Laser Diode DNA Amplification-cover
Meridian Bioscience illumipro-10 Incubator Reader Laser Diode DNA Amplification

Manufacturer: Meridian Biosciene, Inc. Model: illumipro-10™ Incubator Reader with Thermal Printer P/ (more)N: 610172 S/N: IP2010 Description: The illumipro-10™ is an automated isothermal amplification and detection  system for use with Meridian Bioscience, Inc. illumigene® Loop-Mediated  Amplification products.The illumipro-10™ is intended to be used by trained laboratory professional  users in laboratory settings. Isothermal amplification is carried out by two independently controlled heat  blocks capable of operating between 55 C and 65 C, and within 1 C of the  temperature set point. The isothermal amplification temperature set point is dictated by the  illumigene Assay selected. Isothermal amplification time is monitored by the illumipro-10’s internal timer. When in operation, the illumipro-10 will display  ‘Test in Progress’ as well as block temperature and incubation time remaining. DNA amplification detection is completed by the illumipro-10 optics system. Each  illumipro-10 block contains laser diodes illuminating at 650 ± 20 nm and corresponding detectors monitoring light transmission across each illumipro-10  well. The illumipro-10 performs an initial check of the optics system prior to run start. Observed failures in the optics system disable the instrument  block until the failure can be resolved. After successful optics verification, the illumipro-10 checks for the presence of an illumigene test device in each  well. The illumipro-10 automatically enters a Sample ID of ‘EMPTY WELL’ for all wells that a test device cannot be detected in. The illumipro-10 measures  the absorbance of each illumigene test device at the beginning and end of the isothermal amplification incubation. Sample results are reported as INVALID,  POSITIVE, or NEGATIVE based on the observed change in absorbance. Key Facts: • Optimal flexibility for stat or batch runs• True walk away capability for optimized workflow• Very low maintenance requirements enhance efficiency• Instrument verifications can be performed with in-house personnel Features: • Digital Display (guides users through process)• Automatic system self-check• Reaction Blocks (operate independently)• Barcode reader (for sample ID entry)• Small Footprint (of instrument is only 21 cm x 29.2 cm) Performance features of the illumipro-10 include the following: • Self-diagnostics are performed at power-on and at Run start• Self-diagnostic for Test Device Placement and Optics Path Verification• Lid Closure Detection and Lid Lock Feature• Thermal Heat Block with Optics Detection at each well with Visible Light  Emission/Absorbance (650 ± 20 nm)• Interval Timer with Real-Time Assay Processing Time Display• Simple LCD User Interface for Instrument Set-up, Program Selection and Sample  Identification Input• Barcode Scanner for Sample Identification entry• External Keyboard available for Sample Identification entry• Attached Printer for results reporting• Control of amplification product carry-over through use of the self-contained  illumigene Test Device Items delivered: - Meridian Bioscience illumipro-10 Incubator Reader- Meridian Bioscience illumipro-10 Thermo Printer- Power Cord & Connection Cables- Instruction Manual The incubator reader is in absolutely like new condition and 100% functional  tested.

€2,500.00 ex VAT
€2,975.00 incl. VAT if applicable
genome editing & molecular tools, dna sequencers
Genetix QArray Mini Benchtop MicroArray Array Printer Full System *Serviced*-cover
Genetix QArray Mini Benchtop MicroArray Array Printer Full System *Serviced*

Manufacturer: Genetix / Molecular Devices (Dual Voltage 115V/230V)  incl. ULTRA-NEB 2000 Nebulizer   (more)incl. JUN-AIR OF301-4B Oil-less Rocking Piston Compressor Model: QArray Mini Microarray Printer S/N: MMA051 Features: - Processes 54 slides and 5 source plates- Highest capacity of any bench top system- Ability to work with temperature-sensitive samples – chilled source plates help to maintain integrity Specifications: Heads: 1 x Telechem 48 pin head. Compatible with Telechem (ArrayIT®) Stealth and 946 pinsX Y resolution: 1µmSource Plate Chilling: YesHumidity control in working chamber: YesFresh water jet wash: YesFlexible pattern creation software: YesData tracking software: YesRemote monitoring over network: YesMeasurements: 930 x 650 x 525 mm Comes with the following accessories: - HPLF-Kopf für 48 Pins- 20 Microarray-Spotting-Pins aQu 159- 20 Microarray-Spotting-Pins K2801- Laptop WinXP with QSoft Microarraying Software- Maintenance and Service Report (guarantee for functionality)- many other accessories to run the instrument The instrument was running in a whole system with a Hybridization station, washing station and with an Axon/Molecular Devices GenePix 4000B Array Scanner. We have also available the other devices to run a fully equiped microarray workplace such as: - Advaltytix AdvaWash Washing Station for 4 Plates- Implen Advalytix Slidebooster SD 401 Hybridization Station - Axon Instruments Molecular Devices GenePix 4000B Array Scanner The Microarrayer / Microarray Printer comes out of german governmant lab and has run just a few hours. It was serviced my Molecular Devices and successfully passed all functionality tests.We ship worldwilde in a safely packed crate - so you can buy with condfidence!

€12,000.00 ex VAT
€14,280.00 incl. VAT if applicable
laboratory modules, microarray scanners
Dry Block Heaters HB1AL Ohaus-cover
Dry Block Heaters HB1AL Ohaus

1 block dry heaters Designed for daily use in the laboratory, dry block heaters are ideal for applic (more)ations requiring particular temperature stability. All units house an easily interchangeable modular block, with 40 options to choose from. Close contact between tube and block ensures maximum heat retention for efficient heating. Analog models: economic alternative; low temperature range: +5°C above ambient temperature to 100°C; high temperature range: 75°C to 150°C; control via two temperature adjustment knobs. Digital models: for repeatable results; from 5°C above ambient temperature to 120°C; control via touch pad controls with independent and easy to read LED displays for temperature and time display; sound alarm. - Exceptional temperature uniformity and extraordinary thermal stability. - Unique single point calibration function to ensure accurate display of actual temperature (digital models) Applications Culture incubation and activation, enzymatic reactions, immunoassays, melting / boiling points, isothermal incubation, nucleic acid denaturation Display LED display in digital models and knob with double adjustment and markings in analog models Operation Detachable three-wire cable and plug (included). Analog models require an external thermometer or temperature adjustment tool for the setpoint Structure Painted steel armor and support bar attachment with fixing knob Construction features Keypad control and audible alarm (digital models) Technical Specifications

€401.00 ex VAT
€477.19 incl. VAT if applicable
heating & cooling, immunoassay systems
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