Currently, the fragmented market for scientific instruments can be difficult to navigate for science and technology professionals. One major problem is the extraordinary amount of manufacturers and suppliers that create and sell equipment around the world. Apart from being a time-consuming endeavour - in a world where time is a rare commodity - looking for items in this fragmented environment also severely limits the amount of brands and models that can be explored within reasonable time. QuestPair's science marketplace is designed to save the trouble of having to search and compare specifications, prices and particularities of similar items on numerous and different platforms. Furthermore, QuestPair's analytics tools help to put into perspective the use cases of different pieces of kit, and for which type of research or development they may be suitable.
From the perspective of suppliers it can be tough to set up the neccesary machinery to launch efficient marketing & sales campaigns. This is true in particular for small manufacturers of specialised scientific equipment, who often have a limited budget and resources that can be allocated to such tasks. Consequently, getting the word out and generating sales can be a serious struggle even for the most talented and seasoned innovators. At the same time, also larger suppliers may suffer from entrance barriers when launching products into the market that are unfamiliar to scientists and engineers. QuestPair aims to support innovation on all fronts by providing a science marketplace that helps to promote and diffuse new concepts and instruments, driving research and developments in academic and industry environments, and to remove obstructions related to sales and marketing.
Ideally, professionals looking for medical equipment, analytical devices or laboratory & research instruments can readily find the items they need while at the same time remaining sufficiently exposed to alternative instruments, in order to explore possible novel avenues for future development. As a science marketplace, QuestPair aims to maintain a balance by offering experts a range of useful products while offering a platform to suppliers to advertise and explain the working of their products. Leveraged by an intuitive UX and analytics algortihms based on natural language processing and quantitative analysis, our goal is to keep on pushing the envelope by combining expert insights with state-of-the-art engineering and design in laboratories and workshops around the world to establish a good match between needs and solutions.
Typically, buyers of scientific equipment and services include professionals working in a variety of places ranging from academic groups at universities or research institutions to industrial settings and production environments.
Suppliers can be manufacturers, companies, resellers, other marketplaces, research groups or even individual specialists. Whereas some suppliers offer a wide range of brands and models, others are limited to a single brand and in the case of specialists often just a small number of models.
On the supply side, our science marketplace lists items, facilitates communication and provides links to the supplier's website. On the demand side, we can facilitate requests for instruments to achieve specific goals.