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HPLC systems

Agilent 1260 Infinity II UHPLC HPLC System G7111B G7116B G7129A G7117C DAD HS-cover
Agilent 1260 Infinity II UHPLC HPLC System G7111B G7116B G7129A G7117C DAD HS

Hersteller: Agilent Modell: 1260 Infinity II Beschreibung: Das Agilent 1260 Infinity II HPLC-System, (more) ausgestattet mit einem Brechungsindex- und Diodenarray-Detektor, ist ideal für die Quantifizierung von Aminosäuren, Zuckern und organischen Säuren. Dieses System ermöglicht die Analyse der metabolischen Aktivitäten von Mikroorganismen. Der Einsatz des Geräts unterstützt die Durchführung von Arbeiten im Rahmen bestehender und neuer Industriekooperationen. Hauptmerkmale: - Kompatibel mit konventioneller und Ultra-Hochleistungs-LC: 1260 Infinity II quaternäre Pumpe und 1260 Infinity binäre Pumpe arbeiten mit bis zu 600 bar, eine perfekte Ergänzung zu unseren InfinityLab Poroshell 120 Säulen - Analytische und semipräparative Aufreinigungen: Der große Durchflussbereich der 1260 Infinity II Quaternärpumpe (bis zu 10 ml/min) eignet sich perfekt für Standard- und semipräparative Anwendungen - Schnelle und präzise Gradienten: Die 1260 Infinity II Binary Pump ist die perfekte Wahl für schnelle und präzise Gradienten bei LC/MS sowie bei reinen UV-Systemen - Geringste Verschleppung: Die Multiwash-Funktion des 1260 Infinity II Multisamplers reinigt alle relevanten Injektionsbereiche zwischen den Läufen und spült die Außenseite der Injektionsnadel mit drei Lösungsmitteln, um die Verschleppung auf weniger als 10 ppm zu reduzieren. - Reduzierte Zykluszeiten: Dank des einzigartigen Agilent Doppelnadeldesigns können die Proben abwechselnd durch den einen oder den anderen Injektionspfad geleitet werden. Die Zykluszeiten können auf wenige Sekunden verkürzt werden, wodurch herkömmliche Wartezeiten praktisch eliminiert werden - sei es beim Laden großer Mengen oder bei Spülvorgängen. - Effiziente Probenhandhabung und Logistik: Der 1260 Infinity II Multisampler mit seinen flachen Wellplate-Schubladen fasst maximal 16 Mikrotiterplatten und bis zu 6.144 Proben - mehr als jedes andere System. - Effiziente Säulenhandhabung und Temperaturkontrolle: Der 1260 Infinity II Multicolumn Thermostat fasst bis zu vier Säulen mit direktem Zugang zu jeder Säule durch ein Schnellwechselventil, das Flexibilität bietet und das Trennen und erneute Anschließen von Säulen überflüssig macht. - Höhere Datenqualität: Der 1260 Infinity II Diodenarray-Detektor HS bietet niedrigere Nachweisgrenzen und eine höhere Datenqualität für mehr Sicherheit - Effiziente Steuerung, Erfassung und Berichterstellung: Agilent Instrument Control Framework (ICF) ermöglicht die nahtlose Steuerung von Agilent LC-Geräten durch Chromatographie-Datensysteme von Drittanbietern Weitere Daten: Säulenkapazität: 4 Tiefe: 468 mm Durchflussbereich: 0,2 bis 10 mL/min mit G7110B, G7111A, G7111B Injektionsbereich: 0,1-900 µL mit Option für erweiterten Injektionsbereich Netzspannung: 100-240 VAC Maximale Anzahl von Lösungsmitteln: bis zu 15 mit zusätzlichem Lösungsmittelauswahlventil Maximale Anzahl von Temperaturzonen: 1 mit Vial Sampler mit integrierter Säulenkammer Betriebsdruckbereich des Systems: bis zu 600 bar Breite: 435 mm Enthaltene Module: Lösungsmittel-Rack G7111B Quat-Pumpe G7116B 1290 MCT G7129A 1260 Fläschchen-Probenehmer G7117C 1260 DAD HS Das hier angebotene Gerät/System wurde getestet und ist voll funktionsfähig und einsatzbereit.

€28,500.00 ex VAT
€33,915.00 incl. VAT if applicable
uhplc instruments, hplc systems
Agilent 1100 HPLC System-cover
Agilent 1100 HPLC System

Agilent 1100 system consisting of: 1x Agilent 1100 Degasser type G1379A 2x Agilent 1100 Isocratic Pu (more)mp type G1310A 1x Agilent 1100 Variable Wavelength Detector type G1314A 1x Agilent 1100 Fluorescence Detector type G1321A 2x Solvent tray Manual injector with 1 ml sample loop Laptop Agilent 1100 IsoPump: Hydraulic system: Dual piston in series pump with proprietary servo-controlled variable stroke drive, floating pistons and active inlet valve Setable flow range: 0.001 – 10 ml/min, in 0.001 ml/min increments Flow range: 0.2 – 10.0 ml/min Flow precision: < 0.3 % RSD (typically 0.15 %), based on retention time, at 1 ml/min Pressure: Operating range 0 – 40 MPa (0 – 400 bar, 0 – 5880 psi) up to 5 ml/min, Operating range 0 – 20 MPa (0 – 200 bar, 0 – 2950 psi) up to 10 ml/min Pressure pulsation: < 2 %amplitude (typically < 1 %), at 1 ml/min isopropanol, at all pressures > 10 bar (147 psi) Compressibility compensation: User-selectable, based on mobile phase compressibility Recommended pH range: 1.0 – 12.5, solvents with pH > 2.3 should not contain acids which attack stainless steel Dimensions (HxWxD): 140 x 345 x 435 mm Weight: 11 kg Agilent 1100 VWD: Detection type: Double-beam photometer Light source: Deuterium lamp Wavelength range: 190–600 nm Short term noise (ASTM): ± 0.75 x 10-5 AU at 254 nm Drift: 3 x 10-4 AU/hr at 254 nm Linearity: > 2 AU (5%) upper limit Wavelength accuracy: ± 1 nm Self-calibration with deuterium lines, verification with holmium oxide filter Band width: 6.5 nm typical Flow cell: 14-µl volume, 10-mm cell path length and 40 bar (588 psi) pressure maximum Dimensions (HxWxD): 140 x 345 x 435 mm Weight: 11 kg Agilent 1100 FLD: Detection type: Multi-signal fluorescence detector with rapid on-line scanning capabilities and spectral data analysis Light source: Xenon flash lamp Pulse frequency: 296 Hz for single signal mode, 74 Hz for spectral mode Excitation monochromator: range; 200 – 700 nm and zero-order,  bandwith; 20 nm, monochromator; concave holographic grating F/1.6 blaze 300 nm Emission monochromator: range; 280 – 900 nm and zero-order,  bandwith; 20 nm, monochromator; concave holographic grating F/1.6 blaze 400 nm Spectrum acquisition: Excitaiotn or emmision spectra, scan  speed; 28 ms per data point, step size; 1 – 20 nm Wavelength characterisric: Repeatability; ±0.2 nm, accuracy; ±3 nm Flow cell: 8 µl volume and 20 bar pressure, quartz Dimensions (HxWxD): 135 x 345 x 435 mm Weight: 11.5 kg

€13,999.00 ex VAT
hplc systems
Agilent Series 1100 HPLC System-cover
Agilent Series 1100 HPLC System

System contains: 2 Solvent cabinets 2 Capillary pumps 1 Well-plate samplers 2 Autosampler thermostat (more)s 1 Thermostatted colomn compartment 1 Diode array detector 1 Handheld control module Vacuum degasser cel is missing in the vacuum degasser Capillary pump: Settable column flow range: 0.01 – 20 µl/min Recommended column flow range: 1 – 20 µl/min Column flow precision: < 0.7 % RSD or 0.03 % SD (typically 0.4 % RSD or 0.02 % SD), at 10 µl/min and 50 µl/min column flow (based on RT, default setting) Optimum composition range: 1 to 99% or 5 µl/min per channel (primary flow), whatever is greater Composition precision: < 0.2 % SD, at 10 µl/min (20 µl flow sensor), 50 µl/min (100 µl flow sensor) and 1 ml/min (normal mode) default setting Delay volume: Typically 3 µl from the electronic flow control to the pump outlet for flow rates up to 20 µl/min. Pressure range: 20 to 400 bar (5880 psi) system pressure Compressibility compensation: User-selectable, based on mobile phase compressibility Recommended pH range: 1.0 – 8.5, solvents with pH < 2.3 should not contain acids which attack stainless steel. Upper pH range is limited by fused silica capillaries. Well-plate sampler: Safety features: Leak detection and safe leak handling, low voltages in maintenance areas, error detection and display Injection range: 0.01 – 8 µl in 0.01 µl increments Precision: Typically < 0.5 % RSD of peak areas from 5 – 40 µl, Typically < 1 % RSD from 1 – 5 µl, Typically < 3 % RSD from 0.2 – 1 µl Sample viscosity range: 0.2 – 5 cp Sample capacity: 2 × well-plates (MTP) + 10 × 2 ml vials, 100 x 2 ml in one tray, 40 x 2 ml in half tray Injection cycle time: Typically < 30 s using following standard conditions: Default draw speed: 4 µl/min, Default eject speed: 10 µl/min, Injection volume: 0.1 µl Carry-over: Typically < 0.05 % using the following conditions: Column: 150 x 0.5 mm Hypersil ODS, 3 µm Mobile phase: Water/Acetonitrile = 85/15 Column Flow rate: 13 µl/min Injection volume: 1 µl caffeine (=25ng caffeine), 1 µl water to test carryover. Outside wash of needle before injection: 20 sec with water using flush port Autosampler thermostat: Temperature range: setable from 4 °C to 40 °C in 1 ° increments Temperature accuracy at ambient temperatures < 25 °C and humidity < 50%: – 1°C to + 4 °C at a setpoint of 4 °C Temperature accuracy at ambient temperatures > 25 °C and/or humidity > 50%: – 1°C to + 5 °C at a setpoint of 4 °C Thermostatted colomn compartment: Temperature range: 10 degrees below ambient to 80 °C, up to 80 °C: flow rates up to 5 ml/min Temperature stability: ± 0.15 °C Temperature accuracy: ± 0.8 °C (± 0.5 °C With calibration) Column capacity: Three 30 cm Warm-up/cool-down time: 5 minutes from ambient to 40 °C, 10 minutes from 40 – 20 °C Dead volume: 3 µl Communications: Controller-area network (CAN), GPIB, RS-232C, APG Remote: ready, start, stop and shut-down signals, LAN via other series module Safety and maintenance: Extensive diagnostics, error detection and display (through control module and Agilent ChemStation), leak detection, safe leak handling, leak output signal for shutdown of pumping system. Low voltages in major maintenance areas. Diode array detector: Detection type: 1024-element photodiode array Light source: Deuterium and tungsten lamps Wavelength range: 190 – 950 nm Short term noise (ASTM) Single and Multi-Wavelengt: ± 1 × 10-5 AU at 254 and 750 nm Drift: 2 × 10-3 AU/hr at 254 nm Linear absorbance range: > 2 AU (upper limit) Wavelength accuracy: ± 1 nm Self-calibration with deuterium lines, verification with holmium oxide filter Wavelength bunching: 1 – 400 nm Programmable in steps of 1 nm Slit width: 1, 2, 4 , 8, 16 nm Programmable slit Diode width: < 1 nm Flow cells: 13 µl volume, 10 mm cell path length and 120 bar (1760 psi) pressure maximum Control and data evaluation: Agilent ChemStation for LC Analog outputs: Recorder/integrator: 100 mV or 1 V, output range 0.001 – 2 AU, two outputs Communications: Controller-area network (CAN), GPIB, RS-232C, APG Remote: ready, start, stop and shut-down signals, LAN optional Safety and maintenance: Extensive diagnostics, error detection and display through control module and ChemStation), leak detection, safe leak handling, leak output signal for shutdown of pumping system. Low voltages in major maintenance areas. GLP features: Early maintenance feedback (EMF) for continuous tracking of instrument usage in terms of lamp burn time with user-settable limits and feedback messages. Electronic records of maintenance and errors. Verification of wavelength accuracy with built-in holmium oxide filter. Handheld control module: The control module provides complete local control and monitoring of a single module or an entire Agilent series system. There is no data evaluation in the control module. The control module allows you to do a variety of HPLC tasks including automated sample preparation and injection, isocratic, gradient and multiple method analyses.

€9,999.00 ex VAT
hplc systems
Agilent Series 1100 HPLC System-cover
Agilent Series 1100 HPLC System

System contains: Solvent tray Vacuum degasser: G1322A Vacuum degasser: The Agilent 1100 HPLC Degasse (more)r features a 4-channel vacuum container, including four tubular plastic membranes, and a vacuum pump. This degasser has a maximum flow rate of 0-10ml/min flow rate per channel and 5-10ml/min at reduced degassing performance. Quaternary pump: Hydraulic system: Dual plunger in series pump with proprietary servo-controlled variable stroke drive, floating plungers and active inlet valve Setable flow range: 0.001 – 10 ml/min, in 0.001 ml/min increments Flow range: 0.2 – 10.0 ml/min Flow precision: < 0.07% RSD, or < 0.02 min SD whatever is greater, based on retention time at constant room temperature Flow accuracy: ± 1% or 10 µl/min whatever is greater Pressure: Operating range 0 – 400 bar up to 5 ml/min, 0 – 200 bar up to 10 ml/min Pressure pulsation: < 2 % amplitude (typically < 1 %), at 1 ml/min isopropanol, at all pressures > 10 bar Compressibility compensation: User-selectable, based on mobile phase compressibility Recommended pH range: 1.0 – 12.5, solvents with pH < 2.3 should not contain acids which attack stainless steel Gradient formation: Low pressure quaternary mixing/gradient capability using proprietary high-speed proportioning valve Delay volume 800 – 1100 µl, dependent on back pressure Composition Range: 0 – 95 % or 5 – 100 %, user selectable Composition Precision: < 0.2 % RSD, at 0.2 and 1 ml/min Autosampler thermostat: Temperature range: setable from 4°C to 40°C in 1°C increments Temperature accuracy (at ambient temperatures < 25 °C and humidity < 50%): – 1°C to + 4°C at a setpoint of 4°C Temperature accuracy (at ambient temperatures > 25 °C and/or humidity > 50%): – 1°C to + 5°C at a setpoint of 4°C Standard autosampler: Pressure: Operating range 0 – 400 bar GLP features: Early maintenance feedback (EMF), electronic records of maintenance and errors Safety features: Leak detection and safe leak handling, low voltages in maintenance areas, error detection and display Injection range: 0.1 – 100 µl in 0.1 µl increments Replicate injections: 1 – 99 from one vial Precision: <0.25% RSD from 5 – 100 µl, <1% RSD 1 – 5 µl Minimum sample volume: 1 µl from 5 µl sample in 100 µl microvial, or 1 µl from 10 µl sample in 300 µl microvial Carryover: Typically <0.1% Sample viscosity range: 0.2 – 50 cp Replicate injections per vial: 1 – 99 Sample capacity 100 x 2 ml vials in 1 tray Injection cycle time: Typically 50 s depending on draw speed and injection volume Thermostatted colomn compartment: Temperature range: 10 degrees below ambient to 80 °C, up to 80 °C: flow rates up to 5 ml/min Temperature stability: ± 0.15 °C Temperature accuracy: ± 0.8 °C (± 0.5 °C With calibration) Column capacity: Three 30 cm Warm-up/cool-down time: 5 minutes from ambient to 40 °C, 10 minutes from 40 – 20 °C Dead volume: 3 µl Communications: Controller-area network (CAN), GPIB, RS-232C, APG Remote: ready, start, stop and shut-down signals, LAN via other series module Safety and maintenance: Extensive diagnostics, error detection and display (through control module and Agilent ChemStation), leak detection, safe leak handling, leak output signal for shutdown of pumping system. Low voltages in major maintenance areas. Diode array detector: Detection type: 1024-element photodiode array Light source: Deuterium and tungsten lamps Wavelength range: 190 – 950 nm Short term noise (ASTM) Single and Multi-Wavelengt: ± 1 × 10-5 AU at 254 and 750 nm Drift: 2 × 10-3 AU/hr at 254 nm Linear absorbance range: > 2 AU (upper limit) Wavelength accuracy: ± 1 nm Self-calibration with deuterium lines, verification with holmium oxide filter Wavelength bunching: 1 – 400 nm Programmable in steps of 1 nm Slit width: 1, 2, 4 , 8, 16 nm Programmable slit Diode width: < 1 nm Flow cells: 13 µl volume, 10 mm cell path length and 120 bar (1760 psi) pressure maximum Control and data evaluation: Agilent ChemStation for LC Analog outputs: Recorder/integrator: 100 mV or 1 V, output range 0.001 – 2 AU, two outputs Communications: Controller-area network (CAN), GPIB, RS-232C, APG Remote: ready, start, stop and shut-down signals, LAN optional Safety and maintenance: Extensive diagnostics, error detection and display through control module and ChemStation), leak detection, safe leak handling, leak output signal for shutdown of pumping system. Low voltages in major maintenance areas. GLP features: Early maintenance feedback (EMF) for continuous tracking of instrument usage in terms of lamp burn time with user-settable limits and feedback messages. Electronic records of maintenance and errors. Verification of wavelength accuracy with built-in holmium oxide filter.

€14,999.00 ex VAT
hplc systems
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