Automated Coagulation Lab
ACL 100 coagulation analyzer developed by Instrumentation Laboratory (IL) is aimed to provide optimu (more)m efficiency for performing coagulation testing at health care centers, physicians’ offices, and small laboratories. The latest advancement of IL, the ACL 100 is an ideal choice for low volume workloads and to serve as a backup analyzer. It is a fully automated clot end point analyzer with a processing throughput of 110 tests per hour for PT and Fibrinogen. With the use of this system, you can yield quantitative clottable Fibrinogen result with every PT automatically, without any need for additional steps or reagents. This system is also effective to perform clotting assays such as Lupus and APCR-V Leiden. It offers the convenience of attaining dependable and reliable results for test such as PT-fibrinogen, APTT, TT, Protein C and Protein S assays, and factor assays. Samples can be analyzed in single, batch, duplicate and single menus, and can produce the results for PT, APTT and fibrinogen on four samples within ten minutes, allowing up to 24 test results as well as another 32 optional calculations. Besides these, there are other benefits such as minimum maintenance requirements, convenience, and keyboard for simple patient identification data entry etc.
€450.00 ex VAT
coagulation analysers