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Spectrum Labs KrosFlo Digital Pressure Monitor

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Description from the supplier

During tangential flow filtration, the KrosFLo Digital Pressure Monitor, performs several important functions that greatly enhance process control, facilitate scale-up and optimize product recovery. These funcrions include high and low pressure alarms, high pressure stop (pump shut-off). The user defined pressure alarm and shut-off points are safety features that help ensure maximum sample recovery and help protect membrame integrity.

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QuestPair is a platform to find and acquire laboratory equipment by connecting research organisations, universities, and companies with high-quality, affordable instruments. The platform facilitates multiple sales daily worldwide and works with partners around the globe to provide trusted, vetted products for a wide variety of scientific needs. Our in-house developed AI algorithms collect data on the usage and availability of scientific instruments, enabling us to provide tailor-made assistance in sourcing suitable laboratory equipment. With a focus on cost-effectiveness and sustainability, QuestPair has an excellent track record in streamlining acquisitions for laboratories to further scientific research and development.

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Labconco 7900012 RapidVapVacuum Evaporation System with RS-232 Link and Lid Heater, 115V, 50/60Hz

Labconco RapidVapVacuum Evaporation System with RS-232 Link and Lid HeaterThe RapidVapVacuum Evapora (more)tion Systems are ideal for preparation of samples in a variety ofapplications including drug discovery, agrichemistry, mycology testing andenvironmental analysis. The systems use vacuum along with heat and vortexmotion to help speed evaporation and provide an alternative to traditionalcentrifugal evaporation methods. These systems may be used with a broad rangeof aggressive chemicals. Heat is supplied by a dry block heating system that,unlike water baths, adds no potential source of contamination and requires nomaintenance. The RapidVap Vacuum Evaporation Systems accommodate twelve different,interchangeable accessory sample blocks holding sample volumes from just a fewmilliliters to as large as 450 milliliters. As many as 110 each 12 or 13 mmtubes may be loaded at once. Additional blocks accommodate various tube typesincluding conical centrifuge tubes and scintillation vials. Contact Labconcoabout custom blocks to fit special glassware configurations such as VOA vials.INCLUDED: The Labconco 7900012 RapidVapVacuum Evaporation System with RS-232 Link and Lid Heater, 115V, 50/60Hz includes: - Vacuum Hose - Clamps x 2 - Heat Transfer Grease - RS232 Cable Assembly - Power Cord - Operator's Guide - Manufacturer's Documentation - 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty

$18,613.00 ex VAT
United States
heating & cooling
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