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ChemoMetec A/S Eppendorf Mammalian Cell Counter 900-001 NucleoCounter NC100

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Description from the supplier

  • Precise, robust and fast determination of cell count and viability- Easy and accurate operation- 30 sec. analysis time- No cleaning or calibration- Maintenance and service free- Excellent reproducibility- Safe sample handling and disposal- Excellent for aggregated cells
  • Loading volume: 60 µl is loaded into the NucleoCassette™- Measurement volume: 2 µl in the measurement chamber of the NucleoCassette™- Analysis volume: Approximately 2 µl of the sample loaded into the NucleoCassette is transported to the chamber and is analyzed- Analysis time: 30 seconds- Operation: Menu-controlled by means of keyboard and LCD display- Power Input: 12VDC (11-13VDC)- UL Listed fuse: 600mA/250Vac (UL 248)- Power consumption NucleoCounter:Peak: 25 WReady mode: 2.5 WStandby: 2 mW- Operation conditions: Maximum relative humidity 80 percent for temperatures up to 31°C decreasing linearly to 65 percent relative humidity at maximum 35°C; minimum temperature 15°C- USB: USB, version 1.1. (Note: Does not support USB Hubs)- Physical data:Weight 3 kg H x W x D: 26 x 38 x 22 cm
  • ChemoMetec A/S Mammalian Cell Counter 900-0001 NucleoCounter® NC-100™ - Instruction manual as PDF via e-mail request
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Peqlab PerfectBlue Vertikales Doppelgelsystem 45-2020-i Twin L 20x20 cm 1250 ml

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€500.00 ex VAT
€595.00 incl. VAT if applicable
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PRECISION LABORATORY REFRIGERATOR manufactured by B Medical System PRECISION LABORATORY REFRIGERATOR (more) manufactured by B Medical System SECURITY AND PEACE OF MIND - Forced air cooling system for uniform and stable temperature distribution - Rapid recovery of the temperature even in case of frequent openings of the door - Safety thermostat that prevents the internal temperature from going below zero - Extended autonomy in the event of a power failure - Audiovisual alarm system with remote transmission via SMS or email - Optional °B Connected universal software for remote monitoring, reporting (in compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11) and archiving long term in combination with a data communication unit CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNOLOGY TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF THE REFRIGERATOR - Natural refrigerant with high cooling efficiency compliant with US SNAP and EU F-Gas regulations - Polypropylene structure injected with polyurethane foam that provides strong thermal insulation - 4-layer PMMA organic glass door offering maximum insulation, combined with weight reduction to reduce door closing efforts - Automatic internal LED lighting for lower energy consumption - Monobloc structure made with the exclusive rotational molding technique COMFORT OF USE AND DURABILITY - Smooth cleanable surfaces - Silent device - Low heat emission - Modular internal equipment - Easy data export to USB - Electronics with easily accessible temperature display - Heated gasket to minimize condensation - Corrosion resistant construction with lifetime warranty The B Medical Systems multifunction electronics of the "Precision line" series offers a complete alarm system, set point safety, battery backup, and many other control functions; compatible with the °B Connected solution for monitoring and data logging. Equipped with USB port and supplied with two keys. The main differences between the Precision line and Premium line series, in addition to the control panel, are the handle, ergonomic and patented by B Medical Systems for the premium line and the shape of the interior. Download the technical data sheet in Italian or in English for all the details.

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