Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer
This listing is for the Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer. It is being sold as the unit on (more) its own without cables or software, it needs its laser replaced, otherwise it is in full working condition.The Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer offers aunique approach to flow cytometry, allowing users to perform both cell analysisand cell sorting in a single system, providing flexibility for a variety ofresearch and clinical applications. The BD FACSCalibur is a fully integratedmultiparameter system that has the performance and sensitivity to ensureobjective and reproducible results through the use of dual-laser technology,interbeam compensation, and an alignment-free optical design. Efficientcollection optics, coupled to the flow cell with an optical gel, permit the useof a low-powered, air-cooled argon laser and a red diode laser to ensure thehigh sensitivity required for analysis of low-density antigens.
United Kingdom
electronics, objectives, optics, power meters