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Caerphilly - United Kingdom
(ex. VAT)
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Job Lot of Mixed Benchtop Lab Equipment - Eppendorf, Grant, Honda, Olympus, Parr NOTE - THIS IS A SPARES/REPAIRS ITEM

£500.00 (ex VAT)
item image

Description from the supplier

This job lot of items comes from a variety of university laboratories. The items were no longer required, collected from various store rooms and facilities.
None of these items have been tested at our site - it is likely that some will be spares/repairs, but we anticipate that a reasonable amount should operate well.
None of these items have been PAT or electrical safety tested. For this reason, we have marked these as spares/repairs as they should not be used without appropriate electrical safety checks.
They are sold as a spares/repairs bundle intended to be purchased by someone who has time to test and where necessary refurbish the units. It is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to benefit from individual equipment resale.
The units have not been tested at all.
ITEM-05273 Honda GX160 compressor motorITEM-03947 Crestron ST-COM Two Port RS-232/422 Expansion Module ITEM-10656 17x Multi-Type Centrifuge Rotor Buckets ITEM-13026 Eppendorf 5415 Centrifuge Rotor Lab Equipment ITEM-41098 5 x Tube RacksITEM-41099 Microscope Parts/StagesITEM-41100 Fume ExtractorITEM-40046 Olympus objectives x 2 (damaged)ITEM-41101 Grant GD100 Water Bath ITEM-41102 Grant GD100 Water Bath ITEM-41103 Grant SUB Aqua Pro Water Bath ITEM-40053 Warner Model TC-324B Automatic Temperature Controller ITEM-40054 BURLEIGH PCS-5000 SERIES MICROMANIPULATOR ITEM-40057 PCO.Imaging SensiCam, 12bit Cooled CCD CameraITEM-41114 Fisherbrand FB55147 ITEM-41115 Brand UV CuvettesITEM-41116 2 Cell Changer ITEM-41117 2 x SUB Aqua 5 Plus Water Baths ITEM-41118 Leitz Laborlux 11 Microscope ITEM-05775 A & D HR-120 Digital Laboratory Precision Balance Scales ITEM-41120 Brady TLS 2200ITEM-41121 Isopad Isomantle ITEM-41119 Perkin Elmer Gemini Hydraulic Press ITEM-10742 Kobold OVZ-30-II Oval Gear Flowmeter With Red Lion Digital Meter ITEM-40073 HP Hub ITEM-40075 STUART UC151ITEM-40051 kikusui PAB 350 ITEM-39935 EPPENDORF CENTRIFUGE 5415 R ITEM-39936 Trust Power Supply ITEM-39940 Trust Power Supply ITEM-41143 Impax-140ITEM-41144 impax im-mma140ITEM-40995 Water PumpITEM-40996 Quantachrome Manuals/Glassware ITEM-40997 Water Pump ITEM-26001 Draper BD13/5 Bench Drill Press ITEM-41000 Grant Water Bath ITEM-41001 Parr Pressure Reactor ITEM-41002 Buchi Waterbath B-481

About QuestPair

QuestPair is a platform to find and acquire laboratory equipment by connecting research organisations, universities, and companies with high-quality, affordable instruments. The platform facilitates multiple sales daily worldwide and works with partners around the globe to provide trusted, vetted products for a wide variety of scientific needs. Our in-house developed AI algorithms collect data on the usage and availability of scientific instruments, enabling us to provide tailor-made assistance in sourcing suitable laboratory equipment. With a focus on cost-effectiveness and sustainability, QuestPair has an excellent track record in streamlining acquisitions for laboratories to further scientific research and development.

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