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WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG
Potsdam - Germany
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WIKA Feinmessmanometer High Precision Gauge 0-2,5bar Res. 0.02 bar Accuracy 0.6%

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Description from the supplier

  • For gaseous and liquid aggressive media that are not highly viscous or crystallising, also in aggressive ambience- Precision measurement in laboratories- High-accuracy pressure measurement, testing of industrial type pressure gauges- Increased safety requirements
  • Wika High Precision Manometer 0-2,5 bar- Leather carrying case with keys- different adapters
  • Für gasförmige und flüssige, aggressive, nicht hochviskose und nicht kristallisierende Messstoffe, auch in aggressiver Umgebung- Präzisionsmessung in Laboratorien- Messen von Drücken mit hoher Genauigkeit, Überprüfen von Betriebsmanometern- Erhöhte sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen für Personenschutz
  • Wika Präzisions Feinmess-Manometer 0-2,5 bar- Lederkoffer mit Schlüsseln- verschiedene Adapter
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QuestPair is a platform to find and acquire laboratory equipment by connecting research organisations, universities, and companies with high-quality, affordable instruments. The platform facilitates multiple sales daily worldwide and works with partners around the globe to provide trusted, vetted products for a wide variety of scientific needs. Our in-house developed AI algorithms collect data on the usage and availability of scientific instruments, enabling us to provide tailor-made assistance in sourcing suitable laboratory equipment. With a focus on cost-effectiveness and sustainability, QuestPair has an excellent track record in streamlining acquisitions for laboratories to further scientific research and development.

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Secomam UVIKON XS UV/Vis Spectrometer Spektrometer 190-900nm-cover
Secomam UVIKON XS UV/Vis Spectrometer Spektrometer 190-900nm

Manufacturer: Secomam Model: UVIKON XS UV/Vis Spectrophotometer 190-1100 nm (without Software) P/N:  (more)70/ 99-9028 Description: The UVIKON Simplicity Concept represents the first Spectrophotometer Series featuring Advanced Digital Signal Processing Technology. ADSP ensures reliable data acquisition, a superb sensitivity level to allow linear measurements even at high OD values, and a very low instrument noise. Uvikon XS in combination with the easy to use Windows compatible LabPower Junior software package supports the entire range of daily routine applications. Features: - 100% symmetric true double beam technology for high data precision and stability- Total and easy access: front top and back covers are quickly removable- Three point positioning of accessories for high reproducibility of results- Quartz windows at the beam entrance and exit to the sample compartment prevent the optics from being contaminated- Well proven true symmetric double beam optics with only 6 reflecting surfaces per beam- High-Energy diffraction Zeiss™ Monochromator Design using a holographic blazed grating with 1300 lines per mm- Very sensitive photodiode with a rotating all-reflective chopper mirror providing 100% energy in sample and reference beams plus dark current correction to achieve reliable data even in concentrated samples- External source bench providing thermal insulation with optical bench and isolation of the whole photometric assembly against contamination by ozone emitted by deuterium lamp- Optical bench base manufactured to a tolerance of 0.01 mm in 1 meter- Complete optical system sealed against atmospheric contamination from dust and volatile compounds Specifications : - Range: 190-1100 nm- Fixed 1.8 nm bandwidth- Dimensions: 120 x 80 x 53 mm- Weight: 50 Kg Items delivered: - Secomam UVIKON XS UV/Vis Spectrophotometer 190-1100 nm (without Software)- Instruction Manual as PDF via E-Mail Condition: This item is in very good cosmetic condition, it is fully functional but needs software to be operated.

€1,200.00 ex VAT
€1,428.00 incl. VAT if applicable
nmr spectrometers
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