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Flow cytometers

Flow cytometers are instruments that pass cells or particles through a channel and rely on optical techniques and/or imaging to analyse their physicochemical properties. They can be used to look for specific markers and for fully-automated screening or to perform validation experiments for many samples. Flow cytometers can also be used to sort cells that are labelled with fluorescent proteins or specific dyes.

CyFlow Cube 6-cover
CyFlow Cube 6

The flow cytometer CyFlow Cube 6, fully self-contained and ultra-compact, has been designed for all  (more)applications in cell analysis and absolute count with the best ratio quality-performance/price. CyFlow Cube 6 provides a flow cytometry accurate with up to 6 optical parameters. Equipped with a blue and a red laser optional, and 4 fluorescence channels (FL1-FL4) more Forward Scatter (FSC) and Side Scatter (SCC) constitute an optical system, powerful and affordable flow cytometry. PC and software CyView integrated. Optional: automatic Charger optional CyFlow Robby for well plates and tubes. It shows the price for the model CY-S-3060R_V2 - CyFlow® Cube 6 Microbiology - (1 laser 488 nm; 5 parameters). For other configurations, consult drop-down. Features Light sources Up to 2 light sources simultaneous: blue laser 50 mw @ 488; red laser 25mW @ 638nm Optical Optical system, modular PMT of the selected preamplifier built-in for FSC, SSC, FL1-FL4 Optical filters interchangeable Flow system Bucket of flow of quartz for transport of samples laminar and approach to hydrodynamic processes. Count absolute volumetric true (TVAC) based on the measurement of volume mechanical Syringe pump accuracy computer-controlled, speed continuously adjustable from 0-20 ál / sec. Software CyView, software FCM based on Windows ™ for the acquisition of real-time data, analysis of data in real-time and viewing data in real-time Easy configuration of templates experimental (configuration files) Data format Standard for flow cytometry (FCS) for storage of original data and evaluated

€44,123.01 ex VAT
flow cytometers, software development
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