GPOPS-II (General Purpose Optimization Software II) is a software tool for solving optimization prob (more)lems, particularly problems involving the optimization of dynamic systems. It is developed by the software company GPOPS and is used in a variety of applications, including engineering, science, and education. GPOPS-II includes a range of features for solving optimization problems, such as tools for defining optimization objectives and constraints, solving problems using various optimization algorithms, and analyzing results. It is used to study the behavior of dynamic systems and to optimize the performance of systems under various conditions. GPOPS-II is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. It is often used in conjunction with other software tools, such as data analysis software and visualization software. Operating system: Mac OS X, Linux, Windows License: Proprietary, Free-of-charge for K - 12 or classroom use. Licensing fees apply for all academic, not-for profit, and commercial use (outside of classroom use)